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Over the past few weeks, we have been busy preparing and implementing new safety protocols that will enable us to safely and promptly provide you with the specialist health care you have come to know and trust us with.
To that end, we have brought our practices into full compliance with the requirements mandated by CPSBC, WorkSafe BC, and the Provincial Health Officer. Theses safety protocols are put in place to keep our patients, staff and visitors safe as we continue to strive to provide the best Internal Medicine healthcare to the Chilliwack community. But, our success in this endeavour is dependent on all of us working together, being proactive, and mindful of each other. Your continued partnership in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Pleases familiarize yourself with our safety compliance plan by referring to the PDF document provided below.
“As a profession, while we are bound by the orders of our Provincial Health Officer (PHO) and the Practice Standards and Professional Guidelines of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC (CPSBC), we collectively set the standards for what is reasonable.”
The following is a summery of the protocols we have put in place to ensure the health and safety of you, your loved ones, our staff, our practitioners, and their families:
What We Are Doing:
· Seating in the reception room is setup for physical distancing.
· Our maximum occupancy limit is set at 10 people at any given time.
· Office Staff will be wearing appropriate PPE such as masks, gloves, etc.
· Appointments are being staggered to allow for sufficient time to sanitize the treatment rooms between each appointment visit.
· We will be continuing to offer virtual consultation appointments should you prefer.
· All magazines have been put away and furniture reassembled.
· We are scheduling appointments in a staggered manner to avoid congregation in the Centre.
· Cleaning time between each treatment has been scheduled to fully sanitize all high touchpoint areas such as medical devices, exam tables and door handles, etc.
What We Are Asking You To Do:
· In compliance with BC's public heath requirements, we are now requiring all patients and visitors to wear a non-medical facial mask or cloth covering.
· Upon arrival, please leave all non-essential items in your car.
· Please come for your appointment either alone or at most along with one companion only.
· If you were driven to the Centre, please ask your family/friend to wait for you in the car.
· Please visit the Centre no earlier than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.
· We will ask you some screening questions and take precautionary measures.
· Please use the hand sanitizers offered in waiting area and throughout the Centre.
· Please avoid touching your face, your eye glasses and the furniture, as much as possible.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Chilliwack Centre for Internal Medicine
Suite 205, 45625 hodgins ave. chilliwack, bc. v2p - 1p2
Office: (604) 402 - 2246 faX: (833) 479 - 0188
Copyright © 2020 Chilliwack Centre for Internal Medicine - All Rights Reserved.